Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Surprise Phone Call

I received a phone call today from a women who lives in Layton. She and her son went to Cordoba for the temple dedication. Her son served in Taylor's mission while the temple was being built but left before it was finished. He actually served in Taylor's area and lived in the exact same apartment. He stopped by to see it and they ran into Taylor and his companion. It actually turned out to be quite a blessing for both of them.  The Returned Missionary had worked with a women while he was there who was finally getting baptized that week. When she found out he was in town she wanted him to baptize her. He did not have any white pants, he and Taylor were about the same size so he borrowed his baptismal clothes. It was a blessing for Taylor because he was having a low week and the mother was able to give him a pep talk and explain that her son had a hard time with the language and that he did not pick it up until six to nine months into the mission. She then pointed out how fluent he is now and encouraged Taylor that it would all be OK and that he would get there. I am grateful for the photos that she sent me from their visit and the other photos are the outside of Taylor's apartment. It was a nice phone call. I appreciate the tender mercies that Heavenly Father never ceases to send us if we are looking. 

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