Monday, June 15, 2015

Hey guys,

 I'm doing great! Really!My Spanish is better and I am a lot happier. Me and my comp are getting along a lot better now and yeah, it is just great.  This week was a pretty normal week! But none the less it was great!! My Spanish is really coming a long now and I love it. I'm finally dreaming in Spanish :) haha! I am having a great time here. Anyway, I hope everything is great! Everyone is either working or leaving for a fun family vacation ;) So I'll keep it short this week and try to send some photos. But, _____ is going to church each week now. Pray that she will have a desire to be baptized. She knows everythinbg is true. She is just having a hard time changing her religion due to tradition. But, I know she will be baptized. We have changed her life none the less and I love what she is becoming.
Anyway, I love you guys so much and I think and pray for you each and everyday. I can feel your prayers and your help I love you all! Have an amazing week!!! Oh!! And one other thing! I just found out that we are going to Cordoba tonight to do tramites! Paperwork for my being legal here in Argentina. I'm pretty dang excited for that!

Bye Guys!!
Love Elder Welch
Piles of meat and orange soda….life is good! 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Photos from Rita

 A recent convert friend of Taylor sent me a couple of photos of him this week. She takes good care of him. I love to see his cute face as much as I can. I thought you might enjoy the photos also. CA

Photo taken Thursday of last week. 

Photo taken yesterday.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Tons and Tons better….

Good moooorning Vietnaamm!!! 

What am I doing? No mucho :) Solamente aprendiendo esta idioma y enseñando los mas capos de las personas aqui en Catamarca :) 

How is everyone there doing??  Ha ha!  Just kidding, I just read all of your emails so I know :) It sounds like you are all doing great and I am so grateful for it :) So, first of all this week has been TONS and TONS better. I'm doing great now, really!  Every letter I got last week was exactly what I needed. It made me realize how much support I really do have from you guys and most of all the Savior. So yeah I'm doing a lot better.! ALOT :) 

Yeah (Mom) we´re eating well. Maybe a little too well ;) No just kidding  we normally always have a big lunch....never really breakfast or dinner. But, always a big lunch. Like today we had an asado and it was so amazing!  It was my first one!! POR FREAKING FIN. If you do not know what an asado is it is just a big fire and a bunch of meat. Ha ha! I have cereal. Oh!! and PB and J with the peanut butter you sent me. It's perfect, we can't get peanut butter here at least I have not seen it yet so thanks for sending it with me Mom! The weather right now is HOT, actually a lot like Utah! 

My companion and I have been working super hard to find new investigators and we have a lot.  Seriously this work is amazing. It is perfect and it is the Lords work. There is not one thing about going on a mission that is bad. It stretches who you are physically, mentally, and spiritually; and It also prepares you for your future family, wife, and work life. There are so many more things that I just can't list but trust me, I am so lucky that I am here and there is no where I would rather be. This mission is what I need and God is blessing me in ways that I could never have even imagined. Hermana ______ finally went to church this Sunday and she loved it :) Hermana_______bore her testimony and when I looked out at the congregation I saw _______ almost in tears. This fast and testimony meeting was so amazing and I hadn't felt that strong of a spirit since I've been in the MTC. It was amazing. Anyway, Hermana _________is still struggling with some things and I we really need you to pray for them both. 

Anyway, I CAN feel everyone of your prayers and please know that they are not going unnoticed. I can feel your prayers, your fasting, your faith, and everything you are doing for me. Thank you so much!   I love you all and I pray for you all of the time. You guys are perfect and I am so glad I have this life with you all.  Pray always for anything and everything. I have a solid testimony that Heavenly Father HEARS and answers your prayers. He never abandons you no matter what. Jesus Christ and His atonement is for you. This is something we all must always remember. I learned in the MTC that people tend to think of repentance as a terrible and awful thing that we HAVE to do. Rather, it is the complete opposite. God gave us His son so that we can be clean from every sin, trial, and affliction we have in our lives. Repentance is a beautiful thing it is essential and it is a gift from God. Christ is always with us. He will NEVER leave you. No matter what the circumstance. Please don't take this for granted and use His atonement. His arm of mercy is reaching towards you. I am so grateful for this amazing gospel. I love all you you guys and I love this mission. I love the people here in Catamarca:) I love my Savior I know He lives. I love my Heavenly Father, I know He too lives and He truly does answer every prayer. I love you all and have an amazing week!!! This week will go by even faster than last….. Chau!!!!

Love, Elder Welch 

My first Asado! 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Transfers and I am Staying

Hey everyone!!!! 

I'm sorry I'm really running short on time today. There were A LOT of perfect letters and so I have just been reading mostly. But seriously thank you all for writing me:)  Everything you all said was exactly what I needed and that isn't a joke. It's true that this last week was pretty rough. I had some pretty bad homesickness and there were missionaries who I really loved that left for transfers.  And I guess it's like Mom said before I've just been feeling alone. However, It's hard to explain, I just feel different today. I am better than I have ever been right now and I want to let you all know that.  Bob sent the perfect letter and it just idk...was perfect. You are all perfect and thank you for everything!

SO, With our investigators.They were struggling during this last week but we had a really good talk with them yesterday and I think they are finally realizing what they already know to be true. So please keep them in your prayers. Thank you everyone. Sorry this is so short again. I love you guys and I will talk to you next week. OHH!!! And I have the same companion!! He didn't leave!! WOOOH! Its going to be awesome :) anyway, I love you all and have a great week!!! 
Elder Welch

Saying goodbye to the Elder's who left Catamarca